Poem by Mark Rosacker
Tom was a True Believer
He danced to bring rain to his corn
He had eagle feathers and buried them in the mountains when the Feds got too close
He listened to the spirits, and did what they required of him
He fought the insurance company to protect his apricot tree
He gathered stones, and arranged them into shrines of belief and passion
He kept the traditions that were given to him
He maintained and wore his turqoise, shells, and parrot feathers
He visited mountain springs and collected their waters
He brought it all back to the Center
In Ways older than words and hidden from sight, he did what he had to do
He kept secrets
His religion was the land
Outdoors, on a cold winter night, and beneath a full eclipse of the moon
He took his last breath
And escaped into the dark space between the stars
Now he will bring the rain
Like an old adobe wall, he dissolved back into the landscape
To become the fertile soil of earth, hearts, and minds
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
In the spring, beneath the snow; deep and ancient roots will awaken
New seeds will be blessed, planted; and tender green shoots will appear
Cloud beings will fill the sky with mist, lightning, and thunder
Fawns will be born; ALL life will be renewed
The Earth will spin
The Heart will beat
The River will flow
Without end